Praise 95 is owned by Concrete Truth Community Network, a Non-Profit Organization that is committed to uplifting the community through music (Rap, Rhythm & Praise and Praise & Worship), arts (Dance, Poetry, Painting), media (Television, Radio, and Print), and lifestyle (Apparel & Live performance). We will use these tools to reach and spread a positive message to a culture that is consumed and engulfed in the secular of the for-mentioned. CTCN is committed to strategically exposing these avenues to the culture without compromising our beliefs of the infallible Gospel of Jesus Christ.
We believe that the goals will be accomplished for the glorification of the Lord. We also believe in the community that we serve, and know that we all want change to come to our inner city, to our young men and women, and to our famlies. So we are asking for your help in doing so.
No donation is too big or too small to aid us in this endeavor. We ask that you get involved with any events we may have, outreach to the community, or any community service opportunities. We thank you from the bottom of our heart for any support that you give us!
We would love to partner with you in making this endeavor a success! If you would like to help this ministry continue you can donate below. We thank you for your support!